"Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2" is a Huge Step-Up in Tech

this sequel will make its predecessor look “quaint” according to director Christopher miller


“It’s going to make the first movie look quaint,” according to director Christopher Miller.

If that really happens, we may be looking at one of the most visually groundbreaking films ever made, and that’s something for an animated superhero movie. But we’re talking about the sequel to the Oscar-winning first movie, which scored a near-perfect 97% on Rotten Tomatoes! Hey, it still may be a huge surprise in terms of tech upgrades and art styles. Here is Miller’s exact tweet:

Sadly, due to the film’s lengthy production schedule, we may not see this highly-anticipated movie till sometime in 2022, a pretty long four years after its predecessor arrived in 2018. Sony recently pushed the sequel back from April to October 2022.

The original was something to be in awe with. It was a solid box office hit, grossing over 375 million dollars globally, and as mentioned, both critics and audiences alike adored it. The real surprise comes when it won both the Oscar and Golden Globe for the Best Animated Movie category. That is extremely rare for a superhero film, and it breaks the usual “Disney wins the animated category” stereotype.

Besides the upcoming movie, partners in filmmaking Phil Lord and Christopher Miller have signed a five-year deal with Sony to oversee Sony’s Marvel TV universe. A Spider-Verse series is even in the works. Here is a link to every Spider-Man centric film currently in the works.