"Justice League" Star Slams Joss Whedon, Dubs His Behavior "Gross"

joss Whedon receives backlash from ray fisher


Fans were already angry enough at Justice League director Joss Whedon, but based on a recent tweet from Cyborg actor Ray Fisher, that hate is about to get a lot worse. However, the WB co-president of production, Jon Berg, has fired back at Fischer’s statement calling himself and Whedon’s behavior “gross, abusive unprofessional, and completely unacceptable.”

In an interview with Variety, Berg said that the claim was “categorically untrue that we enabled any unprofessional behavior.” Berg also explained that Fischer was simply upset that the filmmakers wanted him to say Cyborg’s signature catchphrase from the animated series, “booyaa”. He said this: “I remember Fisher being upset that we wanted him to say ‘Booyaa’, which is a well-known saying of Cyborg in the animated series.

Berg also confirmed that him and Geoff Johns, a DC films executive, will be returning to work with Aquaman star Jason Momoa for a Frosty the Snowman reboot where Momoa will voice the title role.

Originally, Fischer tweeted an explanation on why he retracted his previous statement at a San Diego Comic-Con where he praised Joss Whedon’s taking over of the project. As mentioned, he claimed that his actual behavior on-set was “gross, unprofessional, and completely unacceptable. He also blamed both Johns and Berg for enabling Whedon’s attitude towards the cast. Here was his tweet:

At the Comic-Con, he said that “Joss is a great guy and Zack picked a good person to come in and clean up, finish up for him.” However, in this tweet, he wanted to take that statement back. Here it is:

Fisher was reportedly a huge supporter for the idea of the Snyder Cut of 2017’s Justice League, and that clearly shows with his two recent tweets. Actor Joe Morton, who played Cyborg’s father in Justice League, told IGN in 2017 this: “Well, the stuff that I had to do were just small little bits and pieces, nothing necessarily to do with the tone. I know that Ray (Fischer), the young man who plays Victor, there were some adjustments that they made in terms of the tone of that character.”

According to Morton, “I think what I heard was that there was a need from the studio to lighten up the film in a way, that the film felt too dark. I don’t know what that meant in terms of how it actually got translated in terms of the reshoots but that’s what I heard. That’s what I thought some of the reshoots were about.”

But this isn’t Fisher’s first rodeo of criticizing studios. In June, Fisher actually responded from a similar tweet from Suicide Squad and End of Watch director David Ayer, who decided to answer a fan about the broken timeline of his film. The fan complained that “I think that text was added in later by editors who didn’t get the full story. The backstory behind his teeth makes Harley being an accomplice impossible.” Ayer responded with: “Yes. That broke my timeline. Johns added it.” Fisher replied with simply: “I feel your pain”, throwing a certain shade over Johns. Here are the tweets:

The Snyder Cut of Justice League is officially being released on HBO Max sometime 2021, and has received its first teaser. Looks like Mr. Fisher got his wish.