85/100 “sweet”
So What's The Story?
The Resistance is in pieces and The First Order keeps getting stronger by the minute. That's not all, Emperor Palpatine is back and ready to take his revenge with the biggest fleet ever seen. When Rey discovers that to find Palpatine and end his plan she must find something called a "Wayfinder." Rey, C-3PO, Poe and Finn go on an epic journey through new lands and challenges to find it. Meanwhile, supreme leader Kylo Ren learns about Rey's past and is determined to track down and kill her before she finds the Wayfinder.
Is It Worth Your While?
This saga has been going on for decades. Even so, every fan has always wanted to come back for more after so many films. On my seventh birthday, I asked to watch Star Wars: A New Hope on the big screen and I have to say it made me feel full of joy and even now, it still gives me that same feeling. J.J. Abrams, director of Star Wars: The Force Awakens (85% sweet) had the hardest job of all, that was to create a film that brings together the stories of 11 films. Expertly doing so, he brought heartbreak to old-timers and pure adrenaline to newbies of the franchise. As well as this he focuses on pure devotion to the fans who have been expecting something awesome. Every scene of the film felt classic, from Chewie running down the hall shooting Storm Troopers. To Rey and Kylo's saber fight on the Death Star. I have seen critics despise this movie, but only because they took it way too seriously. The film encourages you to just relax and think about the tears and laughter that the franchise has brought to you. The dazzling visuals are like nothing you could ever imagine seeing from a Star Wars movie. Some of you may kill me, but I didn't like The Last Jedi. I felt this movie as redemption from it. The script was genius especially with the new characters and when C-3PO loses his memory. The story is one of the smartest, most rebellious and dramatic of the franchise. Rey experiences thought-provoking internal conflicts, and the final battle gets your heart pumping pretty quickly. Overall Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will bring the one thing that you feel every Star Wars movie has provided for you and an instant must-see on the big screen. Thanks, J.J for bringing this beautiful story full of amazing characters together for the conclusion to this epic saga.
Unanswered Questions
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker closes and opens some interesting questions but here are some that weren't answered during the movie. 1. Who is or was Palpatine's wife? In the movie, we find out that Rey's father is the son of Palpatine making Rey his granddaughter. However, we never find out who his wife is, he could have adopted Rey's father, but that would not explain why Rey has Palpatine's crazy lightning powers, maybe she's just really strong with the force. If you think about it though, Palpatine “doing it” will leave a bad taste in your mouth. 2. What was Finn going to say to Rey as they were in the quicksand? Just before the group sinks into a giant snake tunnel, Finn, believing that they would probably die tries to say something to Rey. He says "Rey I never told you..." and then they sink. The obvious answer would be "Rey I never told you how I felt." Considering that they're relationship has grown during each film, it could be possible that Finn likes her, however, does Rey feel the same? Then again, we see Finn portray some feelings of the force later on, so maybe he could have been trying to say “Rey, I never told you that I feel the force.” 3. Why did Leia quit Jedi training with Luke? In the film, there is a small scene showing Luke and Leia battling each other for training when they were young. Although Leia does seem like she had the potential, she stopped. This could be because she had some insane vision of the future like so many apprentices and Jedi have had, but it's hard to see that. 4. Is Jannah Lando's son? In the film, we get another badass female character played by Naomie Ackie named Jannah who we found out was a stormtrooper with Finn. In the end, she says that she doesn't know who she is and then Lando smiles and says "Let's go find out." This could lead to a possible spinoff with the two characters which could be very cool. It all just depends on whether Star Wars is willing to extend the story even further. 5. Why didn't Kylo and Han appear with Luke and Leia as force ghosts? At the end of the movie, Rey goes back to Luke's home on Tatooine and put's Luke and Leia's lightsaber's in the earth now that she has an awesome double-sided gold one. Then a person walking by says "Who are you?" Rey responds by saying "Rey." The old lady then asks "Rey who?" She hesitates and looks off into the distance where she sees the ghosts of Luke and Leia, but no Kylo who is a Skywalker! Plus no Han who did have a part earlier in the film when he convinces Kylo to become good. It could have been because Luke and Leia are more important, but I feel that they all should have been there which could have made an impressive effect. Finally, number six. How did Mav obtain Luke’s lightsaber? Remember Mav, the little old alien lady with the big goggles? Well in The Force Awakens Han asks Mav where she got the saber in the first place, Mav responds with “a good question for another time.” When will that other time ever happen. Could she have had an encounter with Luke beforehand? Could she have been a Jedi given her intelligent knowledge of the force? Who knows? All I know is that this simple question wasn’t answered over the course of three movies.
How Was the Cast?
The cast has evolved within each movie. In this they give it they're all. First, we have Daisy Ridley as Rey. The hero of the new chapter of the franchise is not an easy role to undertake, but Daisy Ridley has done an amazing job of doing it. This is a deep and conflicted character and Daisy Ridley does it right. She manages to balance her emotions and little sparks of comedy really well. Overall, she was a perfect fit for the saga's final hero. Next, we have Adam Driver as Kylo Ren. Ren is one of the most developed characters of the new films and Adam Driver has adapted to that change extremely well. He's basically the new Darth Vader in this one. This could only be carried out by one of the most dramatic actors of the decade. Third, we have John Boyega as Finn. His character is much more fun in the film. In addition, his chemistry with the cast has gotten much stronger especially with Oscar Isaac (Poe) who together have some great scenes.
Aging 'Skywalker'
The film has basic Star Wars action. Explosions, laser fights, lightsaber fights. It has gotten darker in terms of story though. The cult that worships Palpatine is scary and so is he with the life drained from his eyes to his missing fingers. Darkside Rey's reveal is intense and there are moments of peril. However, the characters are full of hope and will do anything to bring peace to the galaxy.
By: Quinn Marcus