TV Review: Most Dangerous Game - Season 1
By: Keaton Marcus
"Most Dangerous Game" is Fairly Strong Television With an Absurd, Fun Plot
70/100 “sweet/sour”
Review of Quibi’s Most Dangerous Game:
Another notable show that Quibi launched yesterday was Most Dangerous Game which has another big celebrity (Liam Hemsworth) put in yet another absurd plot. But this one is fairly strong, turning up the enjoyment for audiences. The show is about Dodge Maynard who is diagnosed with a terminal illness shortly before his pregnant wife is supposed to give birth to a son. Maynard, however, get a strange offer from the wealthy Miles Sellers (an appropriately silly Christoph Waltz) where he will participate in a 24-hour hunt where he’s the prey. If he survives the night, 24.5 million dollars is transferred into his bank account, saving his family from debt. Hemsworth is at his brawny best in this very enjoyable show despite the absurd plot giving a few unintentional laughs to viewers. Yes, it takes too long to get into the action (four episodes), but it does build up some suitable tension. Christoph Waltz is also successful as this rich, eccentric man that you don’t quite trust. I’m still waiting for the real excitement to begin, but they build up really well, despite lacking some truly excellent scenes. It’s definitely worth a good watch and perhaps even till the end, although it falls short of excellence.
Should you Binge, Browse, or Skip?
Most Dangerous Game is some fun television, with the absurd plot dragging it down a bit, but Liam Hemsworth’s strong performance and intriguing set-up make it worth it.
I would say…BROWSE IT