TV Review: Chrissy's Court - Season 1

By: Keaton Marcus

"Chrissy's Court" is Adorable Entertainment, Though It's Not Funny Enough


61/100 “sweet/sour”

Review of Quibi’s Chrissy’s Court:

Looks like even when Quibi is outside the action/mystery genres, they still get their popular celebrity, and in this case, the celeb is Chrissy Teigen, who has nearly 30 million followers on Instagram. In this piece of television, Teigen heads what’s sort of a reality show where she is a judge taking cases on little cute bickerings between people. Whether it’s a couple, or two complete strangers, Teigen makes the verdict, no matter how unqualified she is. To be honest, it’s a lot of fun, and it’s made solidly easy to watch with the short running time of the episodes, though a prominent issue is, I didn’t laugh out loud as much as I should have, which isn’t good. Still, for Teigen die-hards and maybe even some non fanboys, it should be enjoyable enough. These “bickerings” are appropriately adorable, with a fight over a knocked-over speaker or even a sweatshirt. So while it’s not nearly as hilarious as it should be, viewers will still find suitable entertainment that will last over the show’s short running time. I think it could have been much better, perhaps one of the most notable comedies of 2020, though for a reality show with a few solid quips, Chrissy’s Court is impressive.

Should you Binge, Browse, or Skip?

Chrissy’s Court may be short on laughs, but it’s adorable cases and entertainment value should make the verdict slightly more positive.

I would say…BROWSE IT