"Spider-Man: Far From Home" and it's Shocking Post-Credit Sequences

by: keaton marcus

What the Brilliant Post-Credit Scene (s) Means for Phase 4 Marvel

MJ (Zendaya), and Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Tom Holland) in Spider-Man: Far From Home.

MJ (Zendaya), and Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Tom Holland) in Spider-Man: Far From Home.

“Spider-Man: Far From Home” is no “Endgame”, but it had its share of surprises and massive spoilers. So, if you haven’t seen “Far From Home”, don’t continue reading, however, if you have, by all means, continue.

After the two-hour duration of the film, like most other Marvel films, “Far From Home” got it’s very own post-credit scene. The sequence is after Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal) tricked Peter into giving him multi-billion dollar sunglasses, and access to drones able to destroy the planet. However, the public still thinks Mysterio is a hero, the hero to destroy the Elementals, who were actually projections with special effects and illusions, basically, Mysterio, and the “villains” were all faux. The scene depicts “Mysterio’s final moments”. Crawling for his life, Mysterio is using a camera to film Spidey execute a drone attack to destroy London. The video was specially edited by Mr. Beck/Mysterio’s disgruntled ex-Stark co-workers to depict Spider-Man as the bad guy, and Mysterio as the dead hero. Not just that, Mysterio revealed that Spider-Man’s real identity is Peter Parker, that spells trouble.

The second post-credit scene reveals that Skrulls Talos and Soren have been posing as Agents Fury, and Hill the entire film. Fury, however, is commanding them the entire time back in a Skrull spaceship. The two aliens are shape-shifters who had their debut in “Captain Marvel” earlier this year, and be-friended both Captain Marvel, and Nick Fury. Are the Skrulls here to help, or was it all a trap? Is an alien invasion coming?

Will Spider-Man Be a Fugitive?

After the video was projected, it’s likely the public, dim-witted as they are, to believe Mysterio and his faux hero dreams. What will happen to good ol’ Spidey though? A few people do know the truth including Peter’s friends Ned, and MJ. The rest of his classmates know too, but will they believe Peter’s a mass-murderer, or the real hero in the story. It’s likely Peter will have to go in hiding with Nick Fury, and the gang at S.H.I.E.L.D, some more folks that know Mysterio is all lies. Still with all his close relatives and friends, its more than likely that Mysterio will become the next Iron Man, and Spider-Man will be forced into hiding for the next films. However, a positive fact for our web-slinging friend, is that the video was uploaded to a very controversial news website called, you guessed it, The Daily Bugle.net, genuine Spidey-haters. Considering this, there’s likely to be some protest defending our friend. Again, the reporter on the screen, was no other than….J. Jonah Jameson, played once again by J.K. Simmons. The post-credit scene might not just put Spidey into hiding, but it’s also a major crossover from the Sam Raimi trilogy.

Is Mysterio Really Dead?

In the beginning of the film, Mysterio appears as another fellow superhuman from a different version of planet Earth. He quickly becomes a fatherly figure to Spider-Man, and they end up fighting the Elementals together, however, Mysterio gets inside his head, and subtly convinces him to give multi-billion dollar Stark tech with access to destroy the world to him. When Peter finds that Mr. Beck is a fraud, and a master of illusions, he finds that this might be his toughest contender yet. In the final battle, after many magic tricks, and terrifyingly real special effects—Peter finally defeats the real villain. Or does he? Remember that Mysterio is terrific with illusions, so the death of him may or may not be real.

Are the Skrulls Here to Help?

In their debut in “Captain Marvel”, at first, the Skrulls were depicted as hungry-for-power war-lords attempting to conquer the universe. However, it was all Kree fake news, handed out by Ronan, a war-lord himself. When Captain Marvel and Agent Fury figure this out they help the Skrulls defeat the Kree civilization and free them of terror. They then become friends in the end. In the second “Far From Home” post-credit sequence, they appear to be posing as Nick Fury and Agent Hill the entire time, with the real Fury back in a space station with the remainder of the Skrulls. It appears that Talos and Soren (the Skrulls) have been helping Fury, and aiding Spider-Man in his fight against Mysterio…but, will they stop there? I mean seriously, there is a likely possibility that it was a trap just to get the Skrulls on Earth for an all-out alien invasion. Come on, they literally have control over the most dangerous man in the world, and suspicious aliens do nothing???

Both post-credit sequences have their shocks. They left many questions un answered for desperate Marvel fans. Will Spider-Man go into hiding? Will Mysterio come back? Will the Skrulls betray Fury and invade Earth? There are so many more, and we can only wait for the kick-off of Marvel Phase 4 to tell us.