70/100 “sweet/sour”
So What’s the Story?
Based on Yukito Kishiro’s Battle Angel Alita, comes Alita: Battle Angel. In the 26th century Dr. Dyson Ido finds the strange remains of a body in the scrap heap of The Iron City. After bringing this body home and making her new again, the story of a cyborg who is named Alita begins in which she goes on an epic quest to find out who she is, and what she was put on the planet to do.
Is It Worth Your While?
When I first saw the trailer of this, and saw those big eyes, I was like… nope, not gonna happen, I will never see that movie for as long as I live. Until today when that movie that I made fun of became another hit birthday movie for me and my friends. I have to tell you, It did surprise me, but was not entirely perfect, now here are my reasons. First of all, I thought that the directing by Robert Rodriguez provided coherent, and fun action sequences, but extremely cliched love moments between the two main characters. To me the directing style could have put more effort into the story, and less effort into making the action scenes look perfect. Next I thought that the special effects were beautifully done, and were fun to watch on the big screen. Now this was pretty much the only thing that really caught my eye in the movie, and I could not believe how realistic and colorful it all looked, if only there was a proper story to go with it. Third I thought that the story was extremely flawed, it needed more drama, romance, sacrifice and pure humor in the mix, and although the story did (at times) provide some creative ideas. It was a mess. Fourth and finally we have the script. James Cameron is an incredible writer and director, and he could have easily nailed this type of project, but the script turned out to be cliched and completely ridiculous. Overall, I thought Alita Battle Angel was creative and had great special effects, but a messy, cliched story and script.
How Was the Cast?
Overall, I thought that the cast in Alita Battle Angel did a great job. First we have Rosa Salazar as Alita. She gave the real powerhouse performance of the movie. Although her entire body was computer generated, her emotion, and the power to get into character were not. Second we have Christoph Waltz as Dr. Dyson Ido. I thought that his performance had a small, but effective emotional blow to the audience as well as providing a realistic performance that made him seem like he was from that time period. Third we have Jennifer Connelly as Chiren. I thought that her performance was emotionally convincing, and from the audiences POV turned her into the character. Fourth and finally we have Mahershala Ali as Vector. I thought that his character was a pretty kick ass villain in the movie, and his performance was just as good. Providing scares, and dramatic sequences of becoming the other villain.
Aging ‘The Battle Angel’
Alita Battle Angel has tons of action, including gun fights, explosions, robot fighting, and the other usual criteria you would expect. It has brief moments of blood and kissing. An important character dies which may or may not have an effect on you. Alita is an emotionally strong character who does not give up and will protect her friends from harm. Overall I recommend this film for tweens and up.
By: Quinn Marcus