A Keaton Review: The Post

The Post (2018)





Age Rating/12+

Lemonradar/87% sweet







Hi, this is Keaton Marcus from Sweet and Sour Movie Reviews and today I will be reviewing Steven Spielberg’s newest released film, The Post based on a remarkable true story. When The New York Times tries to publish a paper that contains top secret files on the Vietnam War the Supreme Court bans The Times from publishing anymore papers due to their secrets that have to do with the War, however The Post; A regional, small and local paper still has the permission to publish therefore The Washington Post steps up and publishes the ‘Pentagon Papers’ to the world and becomes a national, even worldwide paper with it’s ingenious owner Kay (Streep) which made the world realize that the government has been lying to them about the War all along, this remarkable woman saved countless boys from continuing the awful Vietnam War.

How Was The Cast?


After the previous War-like drama Darkest Hour, another talented cast arrives with actress Meryl Streep headlining as Kay Graham. More of the cast includes Tom Hanks as Ben Bradlee and actor Matthew Rhys as Daniel Ellsburg. As I said firstly we saw actress Meryl Streep known for Into the Woods, Mama Mia!, Florence Foster Jenkins, The Devil Wears Prada etc. as Kay Graham. I thought that Mrs. Streep really had it going throughout the whole span of the 1hr 45min of this movie, after her brilliant acting and singing voice in Into the Woods she really did deserve another great film, the actress really made the audience believe that we were listening to the real woman. I mean Streep could not be more remarkable as this character with her good charm, appearance and overall robust talent for these kinds of roles. Again from her Mama Mia! performance to The Devil Wears Prada I have never seen Meryl Streep in better shape for a film. Secondly we have Tom Hanks known for Big, Cast Away, Forrest Gump, The Terminal, Sully etc. as Ben Bradley. I thought that even though this may not be a usual role for Mr. Hanks and he is not the most important role, the actor takes the little lines that he had and then turns it into an amazing and iconic role with his talent therefore Tom Hanks proves once again why people go to see him perform every day. For our third, final main character we have Matthew Rhys who plays the extremely important character of Daniel Ellsberg. I really was not expecting the greatest acting from this guy, not a lot of lines, few scenes in the movie, but that did not seem to matter with Mr. Rhys who carefully made his scenes the most important in the entire film making him seem like the main character, I mean Mr. Ellsberg is the guy who practically saved the Vietnam War from going on too long, I mean he was so great that you felt like you had to pay attention to just him sometimes throughout the movie. Overall Matthew Rhys was a convincing, talented actor that played one of the most remarkable men of all time.




A magnificently fitting choice for director Steven Spielberg, The Post is another modern classic that adds  We have to start with the directing I mean what a big turn for Spielberg, I mean he was really going out of his comfort zone and when I got into that theatre I really did not know what to expect from a very different director; Spielberg did do another drama with Tom Hanks, The Bridge of Spies which was quite brilliant and that proof really helped him make this Tom Hanks drama just as good and it also proves that Steven Spielberg is truly the best director of all time really because he is great in every genre you could think of; The Post’s story and plot was just on the right angle, the film was really well directed, the cast shined and it really ended up a piece of truly entertaining Spielbergian drama. Now comes the whole thing behind it, the story, plot and the convincing level of the movie compared to the true story. This was maybe the best section of the movie, a great, powerful, emotional, entertaining, heartfelt storyline which comes with a good plot that combines with the cast’s good efforts which concludes an amazing film that ranks just with it’s even more amazing true story. On the whole the overall quality in the movie really is up there with the best Spielberg movies such as Bridge of Spies, E.T., Close Encounters with the Third Kind, Minority Report and even Jurassic Park.


Aging ‘The Washington Post’


In the final paragraph I will be deciding whether this movie is for kids or not. First let’s go with the violence. In the very beginning of the film there is a 5 Minute Sequence of a battle in The Vietnam War, deaths, explosions and guns, but nothing bloody or scary otherwise the rest of the movie contains no sort of action or violence at all, the real thing you have to think about is the movie itself, it can be very frustrating and hard to sit through for kids who like exciting Spielberg movies, what you must do as a parent is see if your kid is even interested in this kind of very mature and complicated stuff. Next we have the sexuality in the movie. In this section there is nothing to worry about except you do know there are some relationships between the main characters in the story, but nothing concerning at all. Last we will cover any bad language in the movie. There is one use of f..k,  plenty of uses of s..t, a use of hell, ass, Jesus Christ, oh my god and one use of son of a bitch, though nothing unusual for dramas. Overall as you can see there is not a lot of violence, but lot’s of mature content, some language and no sexuality at all.


Spielbergian Drama Clash


The Post 90% sweet

Violence: ⭐☆☆☆☆

Sex: ✩✩✩✩✩

Language: ⭐⭐⭐☆☆

Age Rating: 12+

Bridge of Spies 93% sweet

Violence: ⭐⭐☆☆☆☆

Sex: ✩✩✩✩✩

Language: ⭐⭐⭐☆☆

Age Rating: 13+


The Post 90% sweet

Storyline: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Cast: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Role Models: ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆

Bridge of Spies 93% sweet

Storyline: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Cast: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Role Models: ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆


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