A Keaton Review: Paddington 2

By: Keaton Marcus


Genre/Kids and Family

Age Rating/4+

Lemonradar/90% sweet







Hi, this is Keaton Marcus from Sweet and Sour Movie Reviews and today I will be reviewing the sequel to the critically-acclaimed children’s film Paddington. It is Aunt Lucy’s birthday in a few days and Paddington wants to give her something very special, when he finds a pop-up book of London in an antique shop he knows that this will be the present, though the bear must work and earn lots of money for the book so Paddington ends up going from job to job until one day he has the right amount of money, though that night a thief unexpectedly steals the book and everyone suspects Paddington, once he is sent to jail he must go on an adventure to capture the thief and expose him/her to the police.


How Was The Cast?


In this second paragraph I will be telling you if  the cast in the film was any good or not. For our first main character we have Paddington Bear who is voiced by Ben Whishaw known for various James Bond films. I thought that Mr. Whishaw was as fun as ever, he worked well with the clever storyline and improved his performance by a long shot from the original, he was not just cute for the kids but sometimes you could even call it a compelling performance which shows that Hollywood just finally made a good quality kids film. Overall Mr. Whishaw was a good contributor, improved his performance from the original and really just gave a surprisingly amazing performance as the beloved character, Paddington. For our second main character we have Phoenix Buchanan played by beloved actor Hugh Grant. I could not believe how good he was, usually villains in children’s movies just do not work, but this character actually had a good script, charming humor and a real sense of acting, I have not seen a better performance in a long time and this really hit me as the best comedic children’s villain I have ever seen, not to mention just laugh out loud kind of funny, he should be in further sequels for the growing franchise and other children’s films yet to come because of this amazing, charming and overall spectacular performance. Overall Mr. Grant is an amazing actor, but this was the game, he really got a nice role to be himself, I thought he really was the movie’s strongest point. For our third main character we have Knuckles who is played by Brendan Gleeson known for Harry Potter. I thought he was the next best thing, giving a fun and really great performance full of humor and real heart, what I am saying is that Mr. Gleeson really worked hard to make this a great role for him and he absolutely succeeded in every way possible. Overall Brendan Gleeson was funny, awesome, and he fit into his character taking his performance to the top. On the whole the cast was amazing and added even more charm and fun than the original film.




In this third paragraph I will be telling you if the overall quality of the movie is good or not. First we will start with the directing of the movie. I thought that Paul King did a fabulous job on creating another Paddington film and making it a long improvement on the first movie, bringing a fresh new story filled with fun ideas and bringing just amazing, classic entertainment to not just kids, but all audiences. He worked well with the cast, a decent, simple but fun plot with well developed charming and new, fresh characters. Overall Paul King was amazing and the movie surprisingly was a blast. Next we have the storyline quality in the movie. I thought that the storyline was actually very well thought through and I came in to the movie thinking it was going to suck and came out of the movie wanting to see it again, and that is all because they managed to give audiences a fun, happy and simple movie that is really fun for all to watch as a family. Overall the storyline was quite good, which came in with a clever plot that was fun for kids.


Aging ‘Paddington Bear’


For the fourth paragraph I will be telling you if the movie is for kids or not. First we will start with the violence in the film. Not really anything to worry about, first of all the original was much more frightening for kids than the sequel, there are a couple chases, the bear is forced into prison, but nothing that will get your kids on the edge, maybe not for your youngest ones, but certainly made for kids. Next we have the language in the movie, there are some uses of rude humor, but no bad language at all, again this film is strictly made for kids. Last but not least we have the sexuality in the movie. There are some uses of flirting between Ms. and Mr. Brown, one use of sexy but nothing else and not really compared to the still little amount in the original movie. Overall the film has very little sprinkled everywhere, but it is for little kids. Based on this information I give the movie an age rating of 4+.


Paddington Face-Off


Paddington 2 90% sweet

Violence: ⭐☆☆☆☆

Sex: ⭐☆☆☆☆

Language: ⭐☆☆☆☆

Age Rating: 4+   

Paddington 79% sweet

Violence: ⭐⭐⭐☆☆

Sex: ⭐⭐☆☆☆

Language: ⭐⭐☆☆☆

Age Rating: 6+



Paddington 2 90% sweet

Storyline: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Cast: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Role Models: ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆

Paddington 79% sweet

Storyline: ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆

Cast: ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆

Role Models: ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆

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