TV Review: Upload - Season 1

By: Keaton Marcus

"Upload" is a Well-Written, Ambitious Futuristic Tale


80/100 “sweet”

Review of Prime Video’s Upload:

Finally, Prime Video let’s go of their longer, heavier shows and creates Upload, an ambitious, yet still concise futuristic tale that benefits from rock-solid performances, creative plotting and terrific humor. The show takes place years in the future, where when you die, you have the choice to well, die, or be uploaded into an artificial paradise for the rest of eternity. A man named Nathan Brown (Robbie Amell) suddenly crashes his car and is forced to make that choice. When he chooses Upload, we follow his adventures in the virtual world. You gotta admit it does sound slightly like The Good Place, NBC’s huge success, and it does on several occasions, but that does NOT leave the show without its own merits. Amell’s surprisingly nuanced, exceptional lead performance as well as a powerhouse supporting outing from Andy Allo are enough to make this thing worth watching. It’s got plenty of wit and overall it’s just extremely well-written, clever television. The abrupt tonal shifts from comic relief to drama don’t always stick the landing, though its pros outweigh its few cons. Upload isn’t just narratively fun to think about, it’s also a visual tour-de-force which gives viewers some consistent eye-candy to go with the thought-provoking premise.

Should you Binge, Browse, or Skip?

Upload borrows from others occasionally, though it’s a well-written, exceptionally acted and ambitious futuristic show. I would say…BINGE IT