Why Disney's Choice to Throw "Mulan" to Streaming is a Terrible Decision

I didn’t know that disney wanted “mulan” to bomb


By: Keaton Marcus

Disney has recently announced that they will be putting their live-action Mulan remake on their streaming service, Disney+, to purchase for $29.99.

You heard me, Disney is trying to get us to pay 30 bucks for one movie on a streaming service that usually plays films and TV for free with a subscription. It’s not only an awful amount of money to pay for this thing, but it’s also a terrible business decision for Disney itself. Why? Well lets find out.

First of all, the new Mulan has a massive cost of 200 million dollars, filled with CGI and action sequences, so it needs to make a whole lot of money. I get that Disney is putting it for such a premium price so it will generate more streaming cash, but that just won’t happen because of the cost, and one other very important thing.

The kids! Usually, even the darker remakes are rated PG, meaning families around the globe will take their children on the weekend. However, some dingus slapped a PG-13 MPAA rating on the movie, and now the little kiddies won’t be able to see it. And who else will? Not a lot of people, for sure…the die-hard fans who are old enough perhaps will, but you’re marketing a movie about a role model for children to teenage and adult audiences.

So despite Disney putting Mulan up for such a high streaming price, their little master plan just won’t work. Unless some parents just don’t give a crap. Which, honestly, could happen…but is Disney really betting on luck for one of their most high-profile movies ever? I really hope not, though it certainly looks like it.

I, personally, am excited to watch it because the reboot looks like a solid movie, especially due to the excellent early reactions before the pandemic. But half of those jitters are because of getting a new review, and not everyone is a film critic.

It will truly be interesting to see how Mulan 2020 performs on Disney Plus, will it be the massive hit that the filmed version of Hamilton was? Or the dumpster fire that Artemis Fowl still is? Well it’ll be clear pretty soon, and I’d love to see what happens.

