Should We listen to Age Ratings from Netflix?
by: keaton marcus
Netflix has been a movies and TV hub for 21 years since it's founding in 1997 in Scotts Valley, California. So far the website has proved a useful and mostly free place for entertaining, but in my opinion there still stands one problem, why are there age or maturity ratings so off balance.
For example, Netflix's main "rival" uses the common MPAA ratings we see everyday (G: General Audiences, PG: Parental Guidance, PG-13: Some material may be inapprpiate for children under 13, R: Restricted and NC-17: No children under 17) But that does not seem enough for Netflix.
Coming to America
The real ball-buster on Netflix was what I found a couple days ago when me and my family decided to watch a comedy and found Coming to America starring Eddie Murphy which showed a 7+ age rating, since my dad said it was most likely PG-rated, we started to watch it; However on one of the first scenes we saw R-rated type nudity and language including "The Royal Penis is Clean" showing naked women cleaning Eddie Murphy's character's genitals. Once we saw that we looked on other common age rating sites and saw that it titled an R-rated MPAA and a 15+ age rating; Now that is something unforgivable from Netflix.
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
The Matrix
Maybe, we should let Netflix off of the hook on this problem since most people go to other movie websites for age ratings usually, but nobody can deny that they just have it completely wrong with another example of PG-rated The Phantom Menace v R-rated The Matrix which still both have the 16+ rating for violence according to Netflix.
Despicable Me
The Last Airbender
Although some films on Netflix have accurate age ratings including the common PG-13 action flicks such as the Transformers franchise, Marvel franchise and other popular movies, but when you travel deeper and deeper into the age ratings you find that even some kids films have the same problems such as comparing the Despicable Me franchise to a live-action older kids flick like The Last Airbender, on Netflix they both show a 7+ maturity rating, but with my opinion busting in Despicable Me deserves about 5+ and The Last Airbender deserves about 8+.
Concluding this article, there are lot's of amazing things about Netflix such as free films with a wide variety, but for better options on age ratings go to our website Sweet and Sour or