70/100 “sweet/sour”
So What’s the Story?
“Rocketman” is a fantasy styled rock biopic exploring the ups and downs of Elton John’s life. His friendship with Bernie Taupin, his life as a child, the glory years, the drinking and drugs, his love story, everything that made him become a legend.
Is It Worth Your While?
Based on recent reviews, I was expecting something phenomenal, but solid is all I got from Taron Egerton’s latest. Now here are my reasons. First of all directing by Dexter Fletcher was good. Like the director of “Bohemian Rhapsody” (Bryan Singer) Dexter was able to bring the musical scenes to life showing you what it was really like to be a member of the audience during a show of Elton John, now of course there was not much substance besides that. However, it is hard to execute a perfect concert scene. So for the directing, I give a B. Next I thought that the cinematography was well done mostly for the concerts, and the special effects helped drag you into his world, and although I feel like they could have added more of that fantasy stuff in there, it was fine. For the special effects and cinematography, I give a B as well. The script was messy but sometimes funny and had depth between the characters. The story had too much sexuality and drinking, up to a point where you’re like okay we get it, Elton was a drug addict and alcoholic. Despite this, after watching it continuously you just don’t care. It was creative to tell the story through a therapy session, but they did not go the full way with that. So for the script and story, I give a C+. Overall, the concert scenes and directing do immerse you into the world of Elton John, but the script and story just don’t hit the mark.
How Was the Cast?
Most of the cast did well in the film, the other part, well… First we have Taron Egerton as Elton John. The posters aren’t wrong, Taron Egerton is literally Elton John. The moves, the voice, it was hard to classify him as someone different, when I watched it. I saw an actor who was truly committed to his performance. Next we have Jamie Bell as Bernie Taupin. Besides Taron, Jamie had another determined performance in the movie. He was funny, dramatic, and the chemistry flowed between him and Taron. Third we have Richard Madden as John Reid. He was at times over the top, but actually did a pretty good job with the role. Fourth and finally we have Bryce Dallas Howard as Sheila. Way too ridiculous for my taste. The emotion was bland and the chemistry never flowed between the characters.
Aging ‘Rocketman’
The movie’s sexuality, drugs and drinking are way to intense for anyone under the age of 16. Adults would probably consider it as a film you should only see once. It’s more gruesome than a film like “Bohemian Rhapsody” which is targeted towards tweens and teens, and is even entertaining for adults. Overall, I put a strong caution to keep kids, tween’s and young teens away from this movie.
By: Quinn Marcus