TV Review: WandaVision Season 1 - Episode 9
WandaVision’s “Series Finale” isn’t short on action or fast-paced thrills, but it’s an unfortunately dissatisfying conclusion to the MCU’s most unusual project to date
62/100 “sweet/sour”
I really wanted more out of this episode. Every time I thought there was going to be something big, it fell short of my expectations. After a breathtaking eighth episode, I could only imagine what was in store for the season finale, and while it ended on a somewhat satisfying note, I highly doubt all fans will be pleased. Maybe it’s expectations that killed the final episode, and the only ones to blame for the theories are ourselves. Some wanted Mysterio, Magneto, Dr. Strange, or someone epic to show up, and this episode was gratefully WandaVision being its own thing. However, “being your own thing” doesn’t necessarily mean you’re absolutely perfect in every way. This episode was solid, but it surely wasn’t without flaws. “Series Finale” goes boom, boom, crash, zoom, but when you look past the MARVELous (see what I did there) visuals, you don’t find too much. Sure, it ties up several loose ends that we’ve been waiting patiently for, but it didn’t honor these character’s the way they should’ve been. I will admit, some scenes were emotionally fulfilling, and the action was spectacular, but this episode moved way too fast and rarely took its time to let us bask in what could have been a poignant finale. There are a couple of post-credit scenes at the end that are intriguing, but I still felt like I needed more, and not in a “damn, that was a great cliffhanger” way, but in a “I feel nothing” type of way. Every second of this episode felt like a setup for what should’ve been a fantastic finale, but it never quite went the distance in my opinion. The acting is still strong, and I still feel attached to these characters, but I honestly couldn’t care less about what happens next. I feel very conflicted on a finale that is likely going to polarize fans, and while it' wasn’t necessarily bad, it could have been a whole lot better.
The final verdict is…WandaVision’s season finale won’t displease fans of action, but those who were aching for something grand are going to be disappointed…STREAM IT!