"See You Yesterday" is a Inventive Sci-Fi Flick With Some Compelling Drama

By: Keaton Marcus


85/100 “sweet”

An innovative and thought-provoking sci-fi picture as well as a reasonably emotional drama, Spike Lee produced "See You Yesterday" is an astonishing time-traveling themed flick with an engaging premise. Generally, films in similar genres focus on the action sequences, or maybe the flashy special effects. However, this quieter and surprising Netflix movie brings both the ideas as well as the genre tropes. Clocking in at only 87 minutes, this fast-paced picture ends at the correct timing, which so many other pictures in the genre have failed to do. Its also expertly executed by the first-time director-writer Stefon Bristol, who films a concise, fun and entertaining romp which earns a spot in the list of notable features this year. With 80's style visuals, compelling first-time performances, excellent direction as well as a considerable throw-back type style, "See You Yesterday" succeeds on almost every level.

As for the premise, think "Back to the Future" but more of a present-day type affair. High school best buds, as well as scientific prodigies C.J. and Sebastian, have created back-packs that enable time-travel over the Summer holidays. However, when a police officer wrongly accuses C.J.'s older brother of robbing a bank and shoots him fatally, the two teens decide to travel back to yesterday to save him from the abusive cops. However, twists along the way lead them to several dangerous attempts to save her late brother Calvin, and they face the unbeatable challenge of not giving up. Yep, it's fast, fun and relatable. The plot not only deals with oppressive cops but also with racism and depression. The sci-fi feature not only provides some popcorn worthy entertainment, and fantastical elements, but its approach to real-world situations is what makes it remarkable. Go to hell big-budget sci-fi pics.

When the themes get a little too heavy, or the narrative gets a wee nerdy, audiences are wholly saved by the superheroes that are the cast. Led by the expertly paired Eden Duncan-Smith and Dantè Crichlow who both have refreshingly new faces. They have brilliant chemistry as their well-written and deeply constructed characters C.J. and Sebastian who deliver the laughs, as well as sheer emotion. They're so immeasurable that they remind me of the 80's gangs in "E.T." or even "The Goonies", whimsical, and full of banter. Besides that enjoyable throwback, for a couple of new kids to the Hollywood business, its fascinating to see the teens outpace so many experienced adults in the film. The script doesn't falter once and is also written by director Stefon Bristol who successfully transfers typical teen behavior on to the screen with unimaginable abandon. "See You Yesterday" also remarkably sets up a sequel with a good old fashioned cliffhanger, no more spoilers, but you"ll be left wanting more.

The final opinion is: "See You Yesterday" not only brings some fast-paced, entertaining and fun sci-fi moments--it delivers more than enough compelling, and emotional real-world issues, making for an exceptional debut for writer-director Stefon Bristol...$PLURGE IT

By: Keaton Marcus

There is no box office info because the film provided is produced by Netflix, released for streaming only.