AGE: 13+
59% SOUR
So What’s The Story?
Years after a sudden impact of an enormous beast during an underwater rescue mission led by a man named Jonas Taylor who soon retired. An underwater observation laboratory is built for going down to depths that no one has ever reached before suddenly another impact occurred, and Jonas is called back in to help find out what this beast is, and kill it. Well turns out it’s a 70 foot long Megalodon, looking for nothing, but blood, and terror throughout the ocean.
Is It Worth Your While?
The Meg is not the greatest shark thriller you will come across, but on it’s own it’s actually a pretty fun movie, now here are my reasons. First of all I thought that director Jon Turteltaub directed it in a way that was fun, and certainly faced paced, though the simple story made it pretty predictable the deep sea thrills made you mostly forget about that. So overall the directing was fairly good. Next I thought that the effects were cool, but certainly were not a 150 million budget! I mean sure there’s a big shark, and blood, but not that much else. I also thought that the cinematography underwater was pretty good, and really put you into the movie especially in 3D. Now back to the story, some of the plot was overly ridiculous, and was filled with nothing but splash! Bang! Kaboom! Also, (this is a spoiler so you may skip it if you like) putting in two sharks was cool, but was a little stupid given the fact that it popped out of nowhere, and wrecked a boat. Maybe because the crew was out of ideas, and needed something to keep the movie going, or maybe it was in the book? I don’t really know. Overall I thought that The Meg had good directing, good underwater cinematography, but a predictable, and sometimes overly ridiculous plot.
How Was the Cast
Overall I thought that the cast in The Meg was pretty good. First we have Jason Statham as Jonas Taylor. I thought that he suited the role really well, and managed to stay in character the whole film. Also managing to nail one or two jokes as well as fighting a megalodon. Next we have BingBing Li as Suyin. She has played in a couple fairly fun films, and in this she nailed the emotion, the getting into character, and actually going into a real shark cage which was pretty cool. Third we have Rainn Wilson as Morris. I thought that he managed to bring all of the comedic jokes, and laughter into the movie that soothed everyone's tension in the cinema, and by using his undeniable charm, he nailed it. Fourth, and finally we have Winston Chao as Zhang. Small roles MOST of the time never cease to amaze me. This guy could of had more to do in the movie, but the dramatic effect of his death was fine as well. I thought that he nailed the emotion with his daughter, but was super stiff while doing everything else in the movie just like standing there in the sidelines saying stuff.
Aging ‘The Tooth’
I gave this film 13+ mostly because of tension, and violence. There is a lot of blood from carcasses, whales are shown ripped apart. There are many suspenseful thrills full of sharks. There are scenes of people being devoured, a bloody arm is retrieved from the water. Jonas is a trustworthy character who will do anything to save his friends, even if it means battling the biggest shark ever to roam across the ocean causing mass terror to everybody it sees or smells.