


AGE: 9+






So What’s The Story?



In a lawless time you meet a young Han Solo, and see his tales long before the rebellion. As he meets his future co pilot Chewbacca, and his soon to be friend Lando Calrissian along with Captain Beckett, and Qi’ra. You explore the star’s with Han’s first real crew, and first real mission to save many lives.


Is It Worth Your While?



I went to see this at my friends party, and I thought it was only so so. I mean as a movie it was fine, but for Star Wars it was kind of a big step down. Yes the movie could have been much shorter than it was, but overall it's just a fun movie to watch. There is plenty of action, amazing 3D visuals, and a fun cast. One of the reasons that I brought it down was because its so slow to start off with which immediately I thought woah! Star Wars just went down the toilet. Another reason is at the end there were much too many twists that you eventually just get bored of ten minutes later. Actually the whole movie was pretty boring, and had an terribly long run time. As a director Ron Howard did a pretty good job this film even if he had to reshoot tons of stuff in the movie. The actors were directed through the scenes very well. He also made it have kind of an old school kind of look that everyone was looking for. Overall Solo: a Star Wars Story is a flawed, but fun space adventure for old time fans of the saga.


How Was the Cast



The cast of Solo was pretty good. First we have Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo. Of course he is not nearly as charming as Harrison Ford playing Han Solo, but overall I thought he did pretty well with the role. Next we have Woody Harrelson as Beckett. I thought he was a nice choice for the role, he got through the scenes quite well, and seemed emotionally balanced the whole way through. Third we have Emilia Clarke as Qi’ ra. She did the role well, and was a believable actress even if she had to get through so many stupid twists at the end. Fourth, and Finally we have Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian. I have to say what a funny actor, probably the best of the film because he kept the original Lando’s charm as a young man which was quite fun to watch.


Aging ‘The Falcon’


I gave this film 9+ because… Solo was not as violent as a lot of the other Star Wars movies there have been, but it still had tons of action. Laser guns shot, many things blowing up, the usual. There are also many kisses between two of the main characters. Han though is a kind, and strong leader who will not give up on his friends or anything. Overall I think Solo: a Star Wars Story is for kids that love Star Wars movies.

STAR WARS Story battle

Solo: a Star Wars story 63% Sweet/sour

Story 3/5

Cast 3/5

quality 3/5

Rogue one: A Star Wars story 81% Sweet

Story 4/5

cast 4/5

quality 4/5

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 $plurge, $tream, $kip: 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' does have some decent performances, but with a stiff storyline and plot it is a big step down for 'Star Wars' ... $KIP IT