


AGE: 12+


So, What’s The Story?

First Man tells the story of legendary astronaut Neil Armstrong, and his Journey to the moon. As Nasa keep’s on challenging themselves with tests that not only take the lives of many young men, but make the organization, and the wife of Neil worry that all might be lost in this impossible journey to the moon.

Is It Worth Your While?


First Man is many incredible things. So I guess the answer to that question is a straight on Yes! Now here are my reasons. First of all director Damien Chazelle did an absolute outstanding job capturing the image. He directed not only with style, but also with tension, and a lot of dramatic effects that truly drag the audience in for the ride. Personally I felt truly moved by the story, and shocked about how hard it must of been to get two people to the moon. Next the filming was done beautifully. There were many impressive shots of space, and on our own little planet as well, and judging from my experience I’d say that I felt as if I was in space right next to the captain being ready to land on the moon. Next I thought that the visual effects were downright brilliant, and lifelike that I’m sure it would have been twice as amazing in 3D. I also thought that the story was not only moving, (as explained briefly before) but it was also highly informational, in my point of view almost like a documentary focusing on the life of Neil Armstrong. Finally the musical score was absolutely amazing providing such a rhythm that gave the film twice as much tension. Overall I thought that First Man had incredible directing, an amazing informational story. Along with a visual splendor, and an impressive soundtrack

How Was the Cast


The cast in First Man did an absolute phenomenal job playing in this movie. First we have Ryan Gosling as Neil Armstrong. I thought that he fit the role perfectly because of how serious he seemed during the movie, and even in troubling times how calm he played it out. Plus he does look like an astronaut if I do say so myself. He provided much emotion, and overall such an engaging performance for the audience. Next we have Claire Foy as Janet Armstrong. Not only did she provide emotion, and pure talent, but her chemistry with Ryan was outstanding! Together they both provided a stunning performance. I also think that she did an amazing job playing the role of the person outside of the impossible journey to the moon. Overall I thought this pair of actors is a great example for chemistry in acting.

Aging ‘The Moon’

There are many emotionally intense scenes filled with great loss, and sadness. There is also lot’s of tension, and suspense during the movie. Many people are killed during tests. There is also vomiting in a brief bathroom scene. Neil is a very brave person who will do whatever it takes to complete his mission. Finally the film is very informational, and is good for tweens, and up looking for entertainment, and information.

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